Tuesday 30 July 2013

An introduction?

Why have I started a blog? Well truth be told I don't know. I've been wanting to set up a YouTube channel for quite a while now but haven't plucked up the courage to do so. You know I'm the type of girl that would never dare do a number 2 at work. No matter how much I want to, I would just hold it in for the sake of never letting a colleague find out it is I, a pooper at work! I. JUST. WON'T. DO. IT. That's kinda how I feel about YouTube. I want to upload a video so bad and be part of the beauty community but I just can't ever see myself filming and then uploading a video to the site! I won't lie and say I haven't pre-filmed videos because I have.. I just can't fathom the idea of a video of me being on a public website. 

So for now I have chosen to blog. Well this blog has been two years in the running, some could say I am a procrastinator, well I like to say professional procrastinator... I'll finish this later.

I don't know if this blogging urge I have inside me will last forever as 1) I get bored pretty easily. For example this time last year if you asked me "would you eat in Nandos everyday if you could?" I would've answered with a fist pump, "HELLS YEAH!" Now I can't even step inside Nandos without bile rising in my throat. I rinsed it out and got bored. And 2) My punctuation and grammar skills are not great. Just where the hell do I put that COMMA! Numero 3) I like to blab. My sentences most of the time come out incoherently and I get so excited I just go on and on and on... 

So yes, I am Pippa and this will be my place where I talk about beauty and all the nonsensical things that flutter around in my mind. I should have just said that, shouldn't I? 


A blog about beauty written by a slightly kooky girl in her 20s


  1. Pippa you're doing a brilliant job of blogging so far, love reading any of your posts so if you do get bored you'll be very much missed (please don't just take a break if ya do get bored haha) <3

    1. Iqra! This means so much to me! YES I am shocked someone actually read my introduction but the fact you enjoy my posts makes me so happy! GIRL YOU GOT ME ALL MUSHY!
      :) :)
